Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tõmba enda uude iPod'i ;)

The Script-Breakeven
Justin Bieber-My World 2.0
Justin Bieber-Acoustic album
Rihanna-Only Girl
Rihanna-What's My Name?
Eminem ft. Rihanna-Love The Way You Lie
Spice Girls-Wannabe
Katy Perry-Firework; I kissed a girl
Katy Perry-Teenage Dream ; California gurls
Avil Lavigne-When You're Gone
The Black Eyed Peas-The Time(Dirty Bit)
Miley Cyrus- UUS ALBUM!
Pink-Raise Your Glass
Cee Lo Gree-Forget You
?-she likes me for me
Beyonce-halo; if I were a boy; single ladies; irreplacable; diva; sweet dreams
Lady Gaga-bad romance; alejandro; poker face;telephone; paparazzi; love game
Taylor Swift-love story; you belong with me;our song; crazier

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dear teacher,

I really, really hate that we have to write things in here.

With love,

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Task #3

I love how Russians spend their Christmas. I am a russian too, so I kinda have spend my christmas like that. My grandma always made lots of food and we ate until we were so full, that we couldn't do anything. "Ded Moroz" brought us presents under the tree, but I didn't knew the story about babushka :D The Story of Babushka.

How do Estonians spend they're Christmas? I think we spend our Christmas like Americans :D We get presents under the tree, or Santa-Claus brings us gifts and we have to sing, dance or read a poem to get our gifts. We always gather to my aunts place and the whole family spend they're Christmas together. We eat a lot and I mean A LOT! Then we make snowmans and snowangels and play snowfight :)

Once in a small Russian town, there lived a women called Babushka. Babushka always had work to do sweeping, polishing, dusting and cleaning. Her house was the best kept, most tidy house in the whole village. Her garden was beautiful and her cooking was wonderful. One evening she was busy dusting and cleaning, so busy that she didn't hear all the villagers outside in the village square talking about and looking at the new star in sky.

She had heard about the new star but thought, 'All this fuss about a star! I don't even have the time to look because I'm so behind with my work. I must work all night!' So, she missed the star as it shone brightly, high overhead. She also missed the little line of twinkling lights coming down towards the village at dawn. She didn't hear the sounds of the pipes and drums. She missed the voices and whispers of the villagers wondering whether the lights were an army or a procession of some sort. She missed the sudden quiet of the villagers and even the footsteps coming up the path to her door. But the one thing that she couldn't miss was the loud knocking on her front door!

'Now what is that?' she wondered, opening the door. Babushka gaped in amazement. There were three kings at her door with one of their servants! 'My masters need a place to rest,' the servant said, 'and yours is the best house in the village.' 'You want to stay here?' asked Babushka. 'Yes, it would only be until night falls and the star appears again,' the servant replied. Babushka gulped. 'Come in, then,' she said.

The kings were very pleased when they saw all of the of the home-baked bread, pies and cakes. She dashed about, serving them, asking lots of questions. 'Have you come a long way?' 'A very long way,' sighed Caspar. 'Where are you going?' 'We're following the new star,' said Melchior. 'But where?' The kings didn't know, but they believed that it would lead the to a new-born king, a King of Earth and Heaven. 'Why don't you come with us?' asked Balthasar. 'You could bring him a gift like we do. I bring gold, and my colleagues bring spices and perfumes.' 'Oh, I'm not sure that he would welcome me,' said Babushka, 'and what could I bring for a gift? Toys! I know I could bring a toy. I've got a cupboard full of toys,' she said sadly. 'My baby son, died when he was small.' Balthasar stopped her as she went to tidy the kitchen up. 'This new king could be your king too. Come with us when the star appears tonight,' he said. 'I'll think about it,' sighed Babushka.

As the kings slept, Babushka tidied up as quietly as she could. 'What a lot of extra work there was!' she thought, 'and this new king, what a funny idea, to go off with the kings to find him.'

Babushka shook herself. There was no time for dreaming, all this washing-up and putting away had to be done. 'Anyway,' she thought, 'how long would she be away? What would she wear? What about the gift?' She sighed. 'There is so much to do. The house will have to be cleaned when they've gone. I couldn't just leave it.' Suddenly it was night-time again and the star was in the sky. 'Are you ready, Babushka?' asked Balthasar. 'I'll come tomorrow,' Babushka called, 'I must just tidy here first and find a gift.'

The kings went away sadly. Babushka ran back into her house, keen to get on with her work.

Finally, she went to the small cupboard, opened the door and gazed at all the toys. But they were very dusty. They weren't fit for a baby king. They would all need to be cleaned. She cleaned all of the toys until each one shined. Babushka looked through the window. It was morning! The star had came and gone. The kings would have found somewhere else to rest by now. She could easily catch them up, but she felt so tired. She had to sleep. The next thing she knew, she was awake and it was dark outside. She had slept all day! She quickly pulled on her cloak, packed the toys in a basket and ran down the path the kings had taken.

Everywhere she asked 'Have you seen the kings?' 'Oh yes,' everyone told her, 'we saw them. They went that way.' For day Babushka followed the trail of the kings and the villages got bigger and became towns. But Babushka never stopped. Then she came to a city. 'The palace,' she thought. 'That's where the royal baby would be born.' 'No, there is no royal baby here,' said the palace guard when she asked him. 'What about three kings?' asked Babushka. 'Oh yes, they came here, but they didn't stay long. They were soon on their journey.' 'But where to?' asked Babushka. 'Bethlehem, that was the place. I don't imagine why. It's a very poor place. That's where they went.' replied the guard. She set off towards Bethlehem. It was evening when Babushka arrived at Bethlehem and she had been travelling for a long time. She went into the local inn and asked about the kings. 'Oh yes,' said the landlord, 'the kings were here two days ago. They were very excited, but they didn't even stay the night.' 'And what about a baby?' Babushka cried. 'Yes there was.' Said the landlord. The kings asked about a baby, too.' When he saw the disappointment in Babushka's eyes, he stopped. 'If you'd like to see where the baby was,' he said quickly, 'it was across the yard there. I couldn't offer the couple anything better at the time. My inn was really full, so they had to go in the stable.'

Babushka followed him across the yard. 'Here's the stable,' he said. He left her in the stable. 'Babushka?' Someone was calling her from the doorway. He looked kindly at her. She wondered if he knew where the family had gone. She knew now that the baby king was the most important thing in the world to her. 'They have gone to Egypt, and safety,' he told Babushka. 'And the kings have returned to their countries. But one of them told me about you. I am sorry but you are too late. It was Jesus that they found, the world's Saviour.'

Babushka was very sad that she had missed Jesus and it is said that Babushka is still looking for him.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Task #2

  1. I like the google dictionary, because it's the only one I know :)
  2. I like because I have to talk in English there, if I want to communicate with Justin Bieber and I have made a lot of friends in there, they are very nice and sometimes use words, that I don't know, then I use the google translation and I've found another word in English :)
  3. Another link that I like is , I made it because of Justin Bieber and we've written to each other, also I've made some friends there too and now I have a letter buddy, we talk to each other in English, so I think that I am very good at that for someone in my age :)

English #My Ideas

What can the TEACHER do to make our lessons both effective and good places for learning?
  • Eliminate bad students, who are interrupting our class work.
  • In the beginning of our lesson, gives out our plan, what are we doing in this lesson.
  • Give us less big exercises than more small ones.
What can YOU do to make our lessons both effective and good places for learning?
  • I can do more things in school once, than at home.
  • If I listen to music, I can focus more on my work, than to my friends.
  • Listen to teacher and raise my hand, if I want t say something.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hello world

Hello young world, my name is Aleksandra and I'm 14 years old. I sing and dance in WAF choir. I have two brothers, they're 1 and 9. I have two guinea-pigs Garfield and Piiksu and I have a cat who's called Musi. This is my new, actually old blog. I had to do it for my English lesson :)

Hello world

Welcome to our blog! It is here to make our English learning process more diverse and exciting.

You will have some tasks posted here, based on which you will have things to do on your own blog. The good thing is that you can share it all with everyone!

Here in this central blog, you will soon find some useful links to English related pages and dictionaries that can help you learn more and enjoy it at the same time.

Your feedback is very welcome - let's make blogging work for us! Please post your ideas as comments to this post.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Tere ilusat suvehommikut :)
Ükspäev ma siis läksin Joanna, Kätu ja Katiga Rocca Al Maresse ja seal tšillasime veidi ringi. Ostsisime natsa süüa ja juua ja vaatasime ringi, siis hakkas Jontik heeliumi tõmbama ja Baby't laulma, väääga naljakas oli, Kätu pani joutube üles ka, user- Sk8erK2tz jaa.. ma ei mäleta, mis selle video nimi oli, aga väga naljakas oli ikka küll.
OK. Jontik rääkis, et 30-ndal Augustil toimub mingisugune suve lõpu pidu vms, ja siis mõtlesime, et teeme ise enda suve lõpu sleepover party, muidugi jälle minu pool -.- Ise olen praegu Vijandis ja mõtlen välja, kes minuga uuel kooliaastal istuda tahab, Arinda on eriti nõme :( Aga kui ma koju lähen, siis hakkan kohe peo jaoks koristama, sest mu kodu on niii sassis.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Nonii, ma pole juba päris kaua aega arvutis käinud ja on palju ka rääkida.
3-4.juuli käisime me WAF-iga Soome reisil.
Esimese päeva hommikul kell 7 väljus laev, muidugi tulid sinna kõik kohvritega, kuigi me olime seal ainult ühe öö. Laevasõit oli pikk-2 tundi. Kohale jõudes tutvustati meile Soome Jäähalli, kus me esinema pidime ja peale seda jooksid kõik wafikad linna vallutama-shoppama. Elisabethiga juhatas meid linna, forumisse ja esimene pood oli H&M. Seal oli jube soodukas ja kõik krabasid asju, aga mina endale midagi ei leidnud sealt. Mujalt poodidest sain endale kaks kleiti, ühe pluusi, kaks paari kõrvarõngaid, ühe ilusa sõrmuse, huulepulga, hunniku komme, hello kitty mänguasja ja veel palju nodi. Õhtul kell seitse oli meil kristlik esinemine. Laulsime kõik laulud ära ja ennem viimast laulu tuli lavale mingi hiinlane, rääkis tund aega seal oma hiina keeles(meie hannaga naersime nii, et kõht kõveras) ja siis hakkasid järsku kõika palvetama ja nutma ja karjuma nii, et jube hakkas. Mis teha, kui niiii kristlik oled. Kui viimane laul lauldud, siis oli aeg hakata minema meie kristliku kooli poole, kus me ööbisime. Kohapeal sai veel õhtusööki, siis esitlesid meile kõik enda ostetud asju ja kõige rohkem oli neid muidugi Katrinil, sest tal oli ka vahepeal sünnipäev. Ja nii sai esimene päev läbi.
Teise päeva hommikul tuli Ummi tuppa trummi mängima ja kõik ärkasid ülesse. Kõndisime siis lõbustusparki Linnamäki, sest seal oli meil esinemine. Hommikul kell 12, kohale jõudes, proovi ei tulnud, läksime otse lõbustusparki. Kahjuks oli esimene valik õuduste maja, mis oli niiii jube, vähamelt minu jaoks. Teised naersid samal ajal, kui mina karjusin. Ma käisin veel sellistes kohtades : kolm ameerika mäge, vaateratas, kaheksajalg, klounimaja, veerõngas, jogurtirong, juustumaja, 4-D kino, kommipoed ja veel palju asju, mis mulle meelde ei tule. Hanna-Lisett käis rakkettil, mil lendas järsku mingi 300 meetri kõrgusele ja siis lihtsalt kukkus alla, jube, aga enamus ajast kõndisin ma ringi Cinensiaga, saime päris headeks sõpradeks. Esinemine oli ka väga äge, laulsime ja tantsisime kogueag ja inimestele väga meeldis, kui esinemised läbi, toodi meile kastidega Hesburgerit ja kõik wafikad krahmasid kohe kõik endale ja mingid paksukesed tulid ka sinna neid burgereid võtma ja siis Elisabeth karjus:"Ou, kes te olete? Minege minema!" :D niii naljakas. Päeva lõpp oli eriti hull. Buss tuli peatusesse 21.30, ja pidi jõudma kohale 15 minutiga, laev lahkus kell 21.45 !!??!! Noh, kuidas me jõudsime? :) Kui buss kohal oli, siis kõik jooksid elu eest, nii kiiresti, kui suutsid ja krabasid esimese koti, mis leidsid, sest wafi kotid olid juba hunnikusse pandud. Kui kotid käes, jooksime me kõik need kilomeetrid laevani, lihtsalt nii palju teid oli vaja läbida .. kuid lõpuks tegime me selle ära ja jõudsime kella kaheteistkümneks Eestisse !!

Monday, June 28, 2010

28.06 :)

Tere lugejad !
Täna hommik algas siis sellega, et Hanna helistas mulle kell 8 hommikul -.- Ma ei mäeltagi mis ta täpselt tahtis, aga jäin kohe peale seda uuesti magama. Ärkasin kell üks üles ja tegin endale pitsat. Läksin siis kella kaheks WAF-i ja meil kestis kella kuueni proov, neli tundi laulsime .. peale seda kõmpisin koju, sest troll oli niii ülerahvastatud, et kui see uksed avas, kukkus sealt vähemalt kümme inimest välja.
Koju jõudes pidin kassi ära pesema, ok, tegelt ma ei pidanud, ma tahtsin, ja kehetsen ka, sest kasse pesta on vääga kohutav. Alguses pidin ta vanni vette panema, ja vett oli seal väga vähe. Siis pidin ta märjaks tegema ja ära sampoonitama ja nii kaks korda..kõige hullem oli tema loputamine, sest siis sai kogu vannituba märjaks, kui ta üritas vannist välja hüpata. Aga ma avastasin ka midagi uut-mu kass häälitseb nagu koer, aga ainult siis, kui me tega peseme. Kuivatada ta ennast ei lasnudki, lakkus ennast ise puhtaks, nüüd mõnuleb rõdul.
Aga homme lähen ma jälle WAF-i proovi, kella kuueks ja võibolla lähen Hanna juurde ööseks, kui tahan.. :)
Tsauki teile ja toredat suve!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


23-ndal oli siis jaanipäev.
Hommik algas siis sellega, et ema äratas üles ja ütles, et pane kähku riidesse, kohe sõidad Murastesse. Tädi tuli mulle järgi ja läksimegi, kohale jõudsime umbes kell 14.00. Hakkasin sugulastega möllama seal, hüppasime batuudil, sõitsime rattaga, mängisime crocketit ja õhtu poole grillisime veidi, umbes kell 20.30 hakkasime sõitma Vääna ratsakeskusesse vms, et näha suurt ja võimast jaanituld. Platsil oli juba suur tuli valmis ja kohal oli väga palju rahvast. Hakkas esimene võistlus ja see oli siis köievedu. See oli eriti naljakas, sest platsile köie juurde tulid mingid hullult suured mehed, väga tugevad ja võimsad ja siis tulid platsile nende vastasteks neli väikest koolipoissi, on teadagi, kes võitis :) Siis oli seal veel tantsuplats, kus oli väga palju tantsulembelisi inimesi ja siis oli veel palju grillikohti, kust põdraliha osta, mina ise ei julgenud seda maitsta. Ja peale nende oli seal veel väääga palju tegemisi ja vaatamisi ja võistluseid, aga meie pidime tagasi Murastesse minema, sest kell oli juba ka palju. Kohale jõudes tegime veidi grilli ja vahukomme sai palju ära põletada. Peale pikka päeva olid kõik väsinud ja väiksemad läksid juba varem magama, ise jäin umbes kahe paiku magama.
Hommikul olid juba kohale jõudnud uued külalised, onu oli juba grilli välja võtnud ja arbuus ka lahti lõigatud. Päevitasin veidi ja siis tuli mõte hakata veesõda mängima. Peale veesõda olime kõik läbimärjad, aga päris lahe oli bikiinide väel märjal batuudil hüpata, samal ajal, kui naabrid imelikult vaatasid :D Peale seda läksin uuesti päevitama ja arvan, et sain mingi jume peale ka.
Selline oligi minu jaanipäev, ootan juba uut ;)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Tuhnisin siin vanades kooliasjades ja leidsin minu eelmiste aastate loovkirjutamise vihikud. Lugesin läbi ka ja päris naljakas oli niimoodi vaadata, mis ma olin 5-ndas ja 6-ndas kirjutanud. Aga neid kõiki jutte ma siia teile praegu ei kirjuta, sest mulle meeldivad hoopis rohkem minu kirjutatud luuletused ja muidugi andis Kristi nende eest mulle kõik viied :)
Ja siin need on :

Minu luuletus (5 klass)

Akna taga sajab lund,
käes on meil ju jõulutund.
Maja taga lumememm,
vaatab, kus on meie bemm?

Kingid kuuse all on juba,
soe ja ilus meie tuba.
Lapsed kuuse ümber reas,
salmid neil on kõigil peas.

Valmivad meil piparkoogid.
Soojad on kakaojoogid.
Kingiks on mul sokipaar,
häid jõule teile ka !

Orav puul (6 klass)

Sügiseti ilm on ilus,
ma istun õunapuude vilus.
Praegult paistab õues päike,
kuid varsti tuleb vilgas äike.

Puudelt langevad küik lehed,
nende all on suured mehed.
Suured mehed, väiksed mehed,
neil kõigil käes on puudelehed.

Lehed on nii ilusad,
kastanid ka nägusad.
Oksa peal istub orav,
tal on käes seemnekobar.

Seemned kõik ta ära sööb,
aga ütlen sulle miskit nüüd:
Kust ta küll need seemned sai?
Seda ei tea ka meie Mai.

Mina aastal 2010 (6 klass)

Mull on tunne tõesti hea,
sest aasta saabub õige pea.
Ma asju olen palju näind,
ning halvad asjad meelest läind.

Uuel aastal luban ma,
et olen ikka väga hea.
Koolitööd kõik ära teen,
siis on emal rõõmus meel.

Teile head uut aastat ma,
peaksin nüüd vist soovima!

Uue aasta lubadused (6 klass)

Notsu lubab olla hea,
ning mudas püherdada pea.
Jänes lubab hambaid pesta,
et porganeid saaks juba osta.

Karu tegi uue diili,
lubas ära süüa siili.
Aga siil ütles et:
karu, sa peaks sööma mett!

Südamlikult lubas kana:
munen ära sada muna.
Loomariigi aasta uus,
saab olema vist väga tuus.

Õudusluuletus (6 klass)

Ühel pimedal, pimedal ööl,
üks kummitus sehkeldas tööl.
Ta hirmutas kõiki lapsi
ja pärast veel võttis ka napsi.

Ta kummitas alati kõiki,
kuid mõtelda ta ei võindki.
Et mõni viskab sussid püsti
ja siis on ta maailmas üksi.

Ta mõtles pikalt järele
ning lõpuks jõudis pärale.
Et teisi ehmatada on paha
ja tema seda teha ei taha.

Ja muidugi oli seal mul veel mitmeid ja mitmeid jutte, aga see oleks juba liiga palju olnud ;)